Aave Decentralized Lending Protocol documentation
This is the initial version of the Decentralized Lending Pool (DLP) protocol documentation. It details the smart contract interfaces and the API Rest endpoint. Further details will be added to this documentation during the upcoming weeks.
Smart contract structure
Testnet release
The smart contracts are currently live on the Kovan testnet. A list of the involved addresses follows:
Mock price Oracle
Market Rate Oracle
** NOTE ** Current testnet uses a mock version of the Aave Price Oracle, where prices are currently submitted manually. The Aave price oracle is currently being tested separately and will be integrated accordingly.
ABI Details
The LendingPool smart contract is the primary access to the protocol. Here is a list of the functions currently available. Note during the testnet period, these interfaces will likely change.
function deposit(address _reserve, uint _amount) public payable
Allows the deposit of the asset identified by the reserve address with the specified amount.
function withdraw(address _reserve, uint _amount) public
Allows the withdrawal of the asset identified by reserve with the specified amount.
function borrow(address _reserve, uint _amount, uint _interestRateMode) public
InterestRateMode is defined with the following Enumerative:
enum InterestRateMode{
Allows to borrow the specified asset with the specified amount and the specified interest rate mode, as long as the caller previously deposited enough collateral to cover the borrowing.
function repay(address _reserve, uint _amount, address _onBehalfOf) public payable
Allows the caller to repay (either for himself or on behalf of another address) a specific borrowing. Note: onBehalfOf needs to be equal to msg.sender when the caller wants to repay for himself.
function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public
Allows the caller to swap his borrowing interest rate mode from fixed to variable, or vice versa.
function collateralCall(address _collateral, address _user, uint _purchaseAmount, address _reserve) public payable
Execute collateral call on a specific asset for a specific account, is the collateral price in ETH is below the liquidation threshold.
function getReserveData(address _reserve) external view returns(
uint totalLiquidity,
uint availableLiquidity,
uint totalBorrowsFixed, //total amount borrowed on a fixed rate
uint totalBorrowsVariable, //total amount borrowed on a variable rate
uint liquidityRate, //depositors APR (in rays)
uint variableBorrowRate, //variable borrows APR (in rays)
uint fixedBorrowRate, //current fixed borrow rate (in rays)
uint averageFixedBorrowRate, //weighted average rate of all the fixed rate borrows
uint utilizationRate,
uint liquidityIndex, //cumulation index of the depositors interest for the whole reserve
uint variableBorrowIndex) //cumulation index of the variable borrowers interest for the whole reserve
Allows to fetch all the data related to a specific reserve.
function getUserGlobalData(address _user) external view returns(
uint totalLiquidityETH, //total liquidity deposited by _user, in ETH
uint totalBorrowsETH, //total amount borrowed by _user, in ETH
uint currentLiquidationRatio, //average liquidation ratio on the borrows
uint ltv, //current average LTV based on the collaterals deposited by the user
bool isBelowLiquidationThreshold) //if the borrowing is below liquidation threshold
Fetches the user global data (data across all the reserves)
function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external view returns(
uint currentLiquidityBalance, //total deposits for _reserve (includes compounded interest)
uint currentBorrowBalance, //total borrows for _reserve (includes compounded interest)
uint principalLiquidityBalance, //original amount deposited by _user
uint principalBorrowBalance, //original amount borrowed by _user
uint borrowRateMode, //if the current borrow rate mode is fixed or variable
uint borrowRate, //current rate (might be fixed or variable depending on borrowratemode)
uint liquidityRate, //current liquidity rate on the deposits
uint originationFee, //origination fee cumulated from the borrows
uint liquidityIndex, //cumulation index at the moment of the deposit
uint variableBorrowIndex) //cumulation index at the moment of the borrow (only for variable borrowings)
Fetches the user data for a specific reserve.
A set of REST API has been developed to support the integration of the protocol. These endpoints allow to fetch the data from the smart contracts in a easy way and automatically generate the transactions to perform actions. The endpoints are available at the following address: https://dlp-api-dev.testing.aave.com/.
Here is a list of the endpoints:
##### Reserves
Fetches the data of all the reserves.
returns an array of:
address //address of the reserve
name //name of the reserve
symbol //symbol of the reserve
totalLiquidity //total liquidity in currency units
availableLiquidity //available liquidity in currency units
totalBorrows //total borrowed in currency units
totalBorrowsFixed //total fixed in currency units
totalBorrowsVariable //total variable in currency units
liquidityRate //current liquidity interest (in percentage)
variableBorrowRate //current variable borrow rate (in percentage)
fixedBorrowRate //current fixed borrow rate (in percentage)
utilizationRate //current utilization rate
totalLiquidityBalanceETH //total deposits of the user, in ETH
totalBorrowBalanceETH //total borrowed by the user, in ETH
totalLiquidityBalanceUSD //total deposits in USD
totalBorrowBalanceUSD //total borrowed in USD
ltv "105" //current average loan to value calculated on the deposited collaterals
liquidationRatio //current average liquidation ratio calculated on the deposited collaterals
reservesData[] { //details for all the reserves where the user borrowed/deposited something. Note: example values below
currentBorrowBalance "6443.541666666666665"
currentLiquidityBalanceETH "0"
currentBorrowBalanceETH "23.781076961139458327182193119"
currentLiquidityBalanceUSD "0"
currentBorrowBalanceUSD "5945.26924028486458179554827975"
principalBorrowBalance "2500"
principalLiquidityBalance "0"
borrowRateMode "Fixed"
borrowRate "20.00"
liquidityRate "8.83"
symbol "DAI"
name "DAI"
address "0xb38d62af93F66976b9AbB4348CfB7E7187301FE1"
All the post actions that can be executed return a transaction object with the following interface:
interface EthereumTransactionModelI {
from: string;
to: string;
data?: string;
gas?: string;
value?: string;
The transaction object received can be then signed and submitted by the caller.
payload for the action is:
userAddress, //address of the caller
reserve, //address of the reserve
amount, //amount in currency units
interestRateMode //interest rate mode, can be 0 (fixed) or 1 (variable)
payload for the action is:
userAddress, //address of the caller
reserve, //address of the reserve
amount, //amount in currency units
payload for the action is:
userAddress, //address of the caller
reserve, //address of the reserve
amount, //amount in currency units
payload for the action is:
userAddress, //address of the caller
reserve, //address of the reserve
payload for the action is:
userAddress, //address of the caller
reserve, //address of the reserve
collateral, //address of the collateral to call
amount //amount of the principal to buy the collateral
Authorizes the protocol to transfer tokens from the user wallet.
payload for the action is:
userAddress, //address of the caller
reserve, //address of the reserve